B-05 Reconnaissance of the Geology of the Rabbit Ears Region B-05 Reconnaissance of the Geology of the Rabbit Ears Region, Routt, Grand, and Jackson Counties, Colorado
HM-01-04 1877 Geologic Map of Colorado (Hayden) (detail) HM-01-04 1877 Geologic Map of Colorado (Hayden)
B-13 Geology and Ore Deposits of the Platoro-Summitville Mining District B-13 Geology and Ore Deposits of the Platoro-Summitville Mining District
B-12 Common Minerals and Rocks: Their Occurrence and Uses B-12 Common Minerals and Rocks: Their Occurrence and Uses (1917)
B-10 Geology and Ore Deposits of the Gold Brick District B-10 Geology and Ore Deposits of the Gold Brick District, Colorado
B-08 The Clays of Eastern Colorado and Data Concerning Those Near Some Centers of Population Elsewhere in the State B-08 The Clays of Eastern Colorado and Data Concerning Those Near Some Centers of Population Elsewhere in the State
B-09 Geology of Ore Deposits of the Bonanza District B-09 Geology of Ore Deposits of the Bonanza District, Saguache County, Colorado