
B-15 Manganese Deposits of Colorado


Manganese Deposits of Colorado G.A. Muilenburg. 74 pages. 1 plate (1:3,294,720). Digital PDF download. B-15D

This report provides a historical snapshot of how World War 1 drove the need for certain ores and what was done to locate and assess them. This bulletin presents the information gathered in the (state-wide) search for manganese.

From the report:

… the entrance of the United States into the war created urgent demands for a number of mineral substances such as: ores of manganese for the manufacture of steel, molybdenum, nickel and tungsten; pyrite for the manufacture of sulfuric acid, fluorspar for fluxing and for optical purposes. In compliance with requests from the Federal Government, the Advisory Board instructed the State Geologist to undertake an investigation of the deposits of these substances in Colorado.

The report is organized into the following chapters: Introduction, Chapter I. Sources of Manganese, Chapter II. Manganese Ores, Chapter III. Manganese Ores of Colorado, and Chapter IV. Bibliography. Chapter II is organized by mineral name, along with the history of production and prices. Chapter III provides locations and general features, and discusses the nature and mode of occurrence of Colorado manganese ores. Plate 1 notes 13 primary locations and 23 secondary locations of manganese.