Regional ground water analysis which emphasizes radium-226 concentrations. The Dakota Group Aquifer, Canon City Embayment, Fremont and Pueblo Counties was evaluated using dissolved radium-222 emanation method. 80 pages. 17 figures. 5 tables. 8 plates (1:126,720). Digital PDF download. OF-82-03D
This report is a summarized version of Thomas A. Vinckier’s Master of Science thesis, Department of Geological Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1978, which was prepared with funding from the CGS. Due to the nature of the subject matter and considering that very little information exists on the origin and occurrence of contained radioactive minerals in the ground waters of south central Colorado, the Colorado Geological Survey decided to publish Mr. Vinckier’s paper. The Colorado Geological Survey wishes to express its gratitude to Mr. Vinckier for allowing the CGS to summarize and publish his thesis.
Included is a summary of the regional geology and structural features, the Dakota Group stratigraphy, the hydrogeologic properties of the Dakota Group Aquifer, the non-radium chemical quality of the Dakota Group groundwater, and the Radium-222 in the groundwater.