RS-03 Colorado Coal Directory and Source Book 1978 RS-03 Colorado Coal Directory and Source Book 1978
RS-04 Proceedings of the Second Symposium on the Geology of Rocky Mountain Coal RS-04 Proceedings of the Second Symposium on the Geology of Rocky Mountain Coal, 1977
OF-77-01 Preliminary Investigation and Feasibility Study of Environmental Impact of Energy Resource Development in the Denver Basin (detail) OF-77-01 Preliminary Investigation and Feasibility Study of Environmental Impact of Energy Resource Development in the Denver Basin
RS-01 Geology of Rocky Mountain Coal: A Symposium RS-01 Geology of Rocky Mountain Coal: A Symposium, 1976
OF-76-01 Active/Licensed Coal Mines of Colorado (detail) OF-76-01 Active/Licensed Coal Mines of Colorado
OF-75-03 Mineral Resources Maps of Moffat County OF-75-03 Mineral Resources Maps of Moffat County, Colorado