IS-15 Regulation of Geothermal Energy Development in Colorado IS-15 Regulation of Geothermal Energy Development in Colorado
EG-12 Energy Resources of the Denver and Cheyenne Basins EG-12 Energy Resources of the Denver and Cheyenne Basins, Colorado: Resource Characteristics, Development Potential and Environmental Problems
OF-80-01 Geophysical and Lithological Logs from the 1979 Coal Drilling and Coring Program OF-80-01 Geophysical and Lithological Logs from the 1979 Coal Drilling and Coring Program, Denver East (1/2° x 1°) Quadrangle
OF-80-02 Deep Coal Bed Methane Potential of the San Juan River Coal Region OF-80-02 Deep Coal Bed Methane Potential of the San Juan River Coal Region, Southwestern Colorado
OF-80-04 Coal Bed Methane Potential of the Raton Mesa Coal Region OF-80-04 Coal Bed Methane Potential of the Raton Mesa Coal Region, Raton Basin, Colorado
OF-80-05 Conservation of Methane from Colorado Mined/Mineable Coal Beds: A Feasibility Study OF-80-05 Conservation of Methane from Colorado Mined/Mineable Coal Beds: A Feasibility Study
OF-80-09 Geophysical and Lithological Logs from the 1980 Coal Drilling and Coring Program OF-80-09 Geophysical and Lithological Logs from the 1980 Coal Drilling and Coring Program, Denver East (1/2° x 1°) Quadrangle
OF-80-10 Geothermal Energy Potential in Chaffee County OF-80-10 Geothermal Energy Potential in Chaffee County, Colorado
OF-80-11 Community Development of Geothermal Energy in Pagosa Springs OF-80-11 Community Development of Geothermal Energy in Pagosa Springs, Colorado
OF-80-12 Temperature-Depth Profiles in the San Luis Valley and Canon City Areas OF-80-12 Temperature-Depth Profiles in the San Luis Valley and Canon City Areas, Colorado
OF-80-13 Geothermal Energy Potential in the San Luis Valley OF-80-13 Geothermal Energy Potential in the San Luis Valley, Colorado
RS-11 Rare Earth Pegmatites of the South Platte District RS-11 Rare Earth Pegmatites of the South Platte District, Colorado