OF-84-14 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves for Mesa County OF-84-14 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves for Mesa County, Colorado
OF-84-10 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves for Garfield County OF-84-10 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves for Garfield County, Colorado
OF-84-04 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves for Rio Blanco County OF-84-04 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves for Rio Blanco County, Colorado
OF-84-02 Colorado Desorption Samples: Descriptive Statistics and Gas Prediction Equations OF-84-02 Colorado Desorption Samples: Descriptive Statistics and Gas Prediction Equations
OF-82-01 Coal Bed Methane Potential of the Piceance Basin OF-82-01 Coal Bed Methane Potential of the Piceance Basin, Colorado
MS-15 Map and Discovery of Permitted Colorado Coal Mines MS-15 Map and Discovery of Permitted Colorado Coal Mines, 1981
OF-80-05 Conservation of Methane from Colorado Mined/Mineable Coal Beds: A Feasibility Study OF-80-05 Conservation of Methane from Colorado Mined/Mineable Coal Beds: A Feasibility Study
SP-04 Geology of Ground Water Resources in Colorado: An Introduction SP-04 Geology of Ground Water Resources in Colorado: An Introduction
OS-06 Regional Oil Shale Study Environmental Inventory OS-06 Regional Oil Shale Study – Environmental Inventory, Analysis, and Impact: Piceance Creek Basin, Rio Blanco and Garfield Counties, Colorado
OS-02 Surface Rehabilitation of Land Disturbances Resulting from Oil Shale Development OS-02 Surface Rehabilitation of Land Disturbances Resulting from Oil Shale Development
OS-01 SCEEP: Report on Economics of Environmental Protection for a Federal Oil Shale Leasing Program OS-01 SCEEP: Report on Economics of Environmental Protection for a Federal Oil Shale Leasing Program