Occurrence, quality and movement of ground water. Includes outline of resources in seven regions, stratigraphic chart showing water-bearing formations, and extensive bibliography. 47 pages. 18 figures. 7 tables. Digital PDF download. SP-04D
This report describes, in summary form, the groundwater resources of Colorado. Its purpose is to give a nontechnical presentation of factual information about the hydrogeological conditions around the state. Groundwater resource characteristics — water quantity, quality, and distribution — are discussed and presented in maps and tables in relation to geographic regions. Because of over-appropriation of surface-water supplies and rapid urban growth in many areas of the state which do not have adequate surface-water supplies, groundwater resources are being tapped more and more across the state.
The groundwater resources are described by river basins, including the South Platte River basin which includes the Northern High Plains and the North Platte River basin; the Arkansas River basin and the Southern High Plains; the Rio Grande River basin; Western Colorado which includes the San Juan River basin; the Colorado River; and Yampa-White River basins. Areas of Colorado having the greatest present and potential groundwater development are in the first three basins. Substantial supplies of groundwater could potentially be developed from the valley-fill deposits occurring along short stretches in the other river basins of western Colorado and from the Piceance Creek structural basin in northwestern Colorado.