OF-83-03 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves: Krauthead-Baseline Fields Area OF-83-03 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves: Krauthead-Baseline Fields Area, Weld and Adams County
EG-12 Energy Resources of the Denver and Cheyenne Basins EG-12 Energy Resources of the Denver and Cheyenne Basins, Colorado: Resource Characteristics, Development Potential and Environmental Problems
RS-02 Mineral Resources Survey of Mesa County: A Model Study RS-02 Mineral Resources Survey of Mesa County: A Model Study
OF-75-03 Mineral Resources Maps of Moffat County OF-75-03 Mineral Resources Maps of Moffat County, Colorado
OS-02 Surface Rehabilitation of Land Disturbances Resulting from Oil Shale Development OS-02 Surface Rehabilitation of Land Disturbances Resulting from Oil Shale Development