FT-01-02 The San Juan Mountains of Southwest Colorado: Geology FT-01-02 The San Juan Mountains of Southwest Colorado: Geology, Water Quality, Mine Remediation, and Avalanche Hazards?- Field Trip Guidebook
OF-01-14 History OF-01-14 History, Geology, and Environmental Setting of the Griffin and Wilkesbarre Mines, Pike/San Isabel National Forest, Lake County, Colorado
FT-00-02 Geology FT-00-02 Geology, Water Quality, and Avalanche Hazards of the Ouray – Silverton Area, Southwest Colorado: Field Trip Guidebook
OF-00-06 Evaluation of Mineral and Mineral Fuel Potential of Chaffee OF-00-06 Evaluation of Mineral and Mineral Fuel Potential of Chaffee, Gunnison, Lake, and Pitkin Counties State Mineral Lands Administered by the Colorado State Land Board
OF-99-18 History OF-99-18 History, Geology, and Environmental Setting of Selected Mines near Creede, Rio Grande National Forest, Mineral County, Colorado
WAT-1998-02 Abandoned Mines and Naturally Occurring Acid Rock Drainage on National Forest System Lands in Colorado WAT-1998-02 Abandoned Mines and Naturally Occurring Acid Rock Drainage on National Forest System Lands in Colorado
OF-91-02 The Use of Tracer Dyes for the Identification of a Mine Flooding Problem OF-91-02 The Use of Tracer Dyes for the Identification of a Mine Flooding Problem, Rico, Dolores County, Colorado
OF-91-01 Identification and Remediation of a Mine Flooding Problem OF-91-01 Identification and Remediation of a Mine Flooding Problem, Rico, Dolores County, Colorado with Discussion of the Use of Tracer Dyes
RS-29 Directory and Statistics of Colorado Coal Mines with Distribution and Electric Generation Map RS-29 Directory and Statistics of Colorado Coal Mines with Distribution and Electric Generation Map, 1989
IS-26 Reconnaissance Study of Coal Fires in Inactive Colorado Coal Mines IS-26 Reconnaissance Study of Coal Fires in Inactive Colorado Coal Mines
B-30 Geology and Ore Deposits of the Red Cliff District B-30 Geology and Ore Deposits of the Red Cliff District, Colorado