MS-37 Geologic Map of the Cottonwood Pass Quadrangle MS-37 Geologic Map of the Cottonwood Pass Quadrangle, Eagle and Garfield Counties, Colorado
MS-40 Geologic Map of the Leon Quadrangle MS-40 Geologic Map of the Leon Quadrangle, Eagle and Garfield Counties, Colorado
MS-39 Geologic Map of the Basalt Quadrangle MS-39 Geologic Map of the Basalt Quadrangle, Eagle, Garfield, and Pitkin Counties, Colorado
MS-38 Geologic Map of the Glenwood Springs Quadrangle MS-38 Geologic Map of the Glenwood Springs Quadrangle, Garfield County, Colorado
MS-47 Collapsible Soil Susceptibility Map of the Colorado River Corridor in the Vicinity of Rifle MS-47 Collapsible Soil Susceptibility Map of the Colorado River Corridor in the Vicinity of Rifle, Garfield County, Colorado
MS-41 Geologic Map of the Mount Sopris Quadrangle MS-41 Geologic Map of the Mount Sopris Quadrangle, Garfield and Pitkin Counties, Colorado
MS-34 Collapsible Soils and Evaporite Karst Hazards of the Roaring Fork River Corridor MS-34 Collapsible Soils and Evaporite Karst Hazards of the Roaring Fork River Corridor, Garfield, Eagle, and Pitkin Counties, Colorado
OF-02-12 Sand and Gravel Resources Adjacent to the Colorado River Valley OF-02-12 Sand and Gravel Resources Adjacent to the Colorado River Valley, Garfield County, Colorado
OF-01-02 Geologic Map of the Gibson Gulch Quadrangle OF-01-02 Geologic Map of the Gibson Gulch Quadrangle, Garfield County, Colorado
FT-00-01 Guide to the Geology of the Glenwood Springs Area FT-00-01 Guide to the Geology of the Glenwood Springs Area, Garfield County, Colorado