OF-22-14D Digital Compilation of Surficial and Bedrock Geology of the Grand Junction 30x60 Minute Quadrangle OF-22-14D Digital Compilation of Surficial and Bedrock Geology of the Grand Junction 30×60 Minute Quadrangle, Delta, Garfield and Mesa Counties, Colorado (Data)
OF-22-15D Digital Compilation of Surficial Geology of the Meeker 30x60 Minute Quadrangle OF-22-15D Digital Compilation of Surficial Geology of the Meeker 30×60 Minute Quadrangle, Garfield, Moffat, Rio Blanco, and Routt Counties, Colorado (Data)
MS-12 Map of Licensed Coal Mines in Colorado as of 01 June 1978 (detail) MS-12 Map of Licensed Coal Mines in Colorado as of 01 June 1978
MS-44 Map of Oil and Gas Wells in Colorado (detail) MS-44 Map of Oil and Gas Wells in Colorado 06-29-2015
MI-10 Basic Data Release 35 MI-10 Basic Data Release 35, Hydrologic and Geophysical Data from the Piceance Basin, Colorado
MS-06 Energy Resource Development Map of Colorado (detail) MS-06 Energy Resource Development Map of Colorado
MI-33 Surface Vitrinite-Reflectance Map of the Uinta MI-33 Surface Vitrinite-Reflectance Map of the Uinta, Piceance, and Eagle Basins Area, Utah and Colorado
MI-34 Detailed Cross Sections Correlating Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Rocks between the Uinta Basin of Eastern Utah and Western Colorado and the Piceance Basin of Western Colorado (detail) MI-34 Detailed Cross Sections Correlating Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Rocks between the Uinta Basin of Eastern Utah and Western Colorado and the Piceance Basin of Western Colorado
MS-17 Inventory of Nonmetallic Mining and Processing Operations in Colorado|MS-17 Inventory of Nonmetallic Mining and Processing Operations in Colorado MS-17 Inventory of Nonmetallic Mining and Processing Operations in Colorado
MS-19 The Coal Bed Methane Resources of Colorado (detail) MS-19 The Coal Bed Methane Resources of Colorado