RS-04 Proceedings of the Second Symposium on the Geology of Rocky Mountain Coal RS-04 Proceedings of the Second Symposium on the Geology of Rocky Mountain Coal, 1977
SP-11 Home Construction on Shrinking and Swelling Soils SP-11 Information for the Colorado Homeowner … Home Construction on Shrinking and Swelling Soils
MS-07 Geology for Land-Use Planning in the Craig Area MS-07 Geology for Land-Use Planning in the Craig Area, Moffat County, Colorado
MS-11 Map and Directory of Colorado Uranium and Vanadium Mining and Milling Activities (detail) MS-11 Map and Directory of Colorado Uranium and Vanadium Mining and Milling Activities
MS-10 Metal Mining Activity Map of Colorado Excluding Uranium and Vanadium (with Directory) MS-10 Metal Mining Activity Map of Colorado Excluding Uranium and Vanadium (with Directory), 1978
OF-78-05 Geologic Hazards Study in Douglas County OF-78-05 Geologic Hazards Study in Douglas County, Colorado
RS-01 Geology of Rocky Mountain Coal: A Symposium RS-01 Geology of Rocky Mountain Coal: A Symposium, 1976
IS-04 Map Showing Thermal Springs IS-04 Map Showing Thermal Springs, Wells, and Heat-Flow contours in Colorado
MS-05 Geology for Planning in the Redlands Area Mesa County MS-05 Geology for Planning in the Redlands Area Mesa County, Colorado