OF-81-06 Coal Bed Methane Potential of the Sand Wash Basin OF-81-06 Coal Bed Methane Potential of the Sand Wash Basin, Green River Coal Region, Colorado
OF-81-08 Geophysical Logs from the 1981 Water Well Logging Program OF-81-08 Geophysical Logs from the 1981 Water Well Logging Program, Castle Rock (1/2° x 1°) Quadrangle
RS-14 An Appraisal for the Use of Geothermal Energy in State-Owned Buildings in Colorado RS-14 An Appraisal for the Use of Geothermal Energy in State-Owned Buildings in Colorado
RS-15 Geothermal Resource Assessment of Ouray RS-15 Geothermal Resource Assessment of Ouray, Colorado
SP-17 A Summary of the Geology of the San Luis Basin SP-17 A Summary of the Geology of the San Luis Basin, Colorado-New Mexico with Emphasis on the Geothermal Potential for the Monte Vista Graben
SP-18 Ground Water Heat Pumps in Colorado: An Efficient and Cost-Effective Way to Heat and Cool Your Home SP-18 Ground Water Heat Pumps in Colorado: An Efficient and Cost-Effective Way to Heat and Cool Your Home
SP-16 Geothermal Resource Assessment of Waunita Hot Springs SP-16 Geothermal Resource Assessment of Waunita Hot Springs, Colorado
SP-19 Colorado Tectonics SP-19 Colorado Tectonics, Seismicity and Earthquake Hazards: Proceedings and Field Trip Guide of a Symposium Held in Denver, Colorado, June 4-6, 1981
RS-21 Precambrian Tungsten and Copper-Zinc Skarn Deposits of South-Central Colorado RS-21 Precambrian Tungsten and Copper-Zinc Skarn Deposits of South-Central Colorado
MS-15 Map and Discovery of Permitted Colorado Coal Mines MS-15 Map and Discovery of Permitted Colorado Coal Mines, 1981