RS-13 Coal Resources of the Denver East (1/2° x 1°) Quadrangle RS-13 Coal Resources of the Denver East (1/2° x 1°) Quadrangle, Colorado
OF-79-01 Colorado Coal Reserve Depletion Data and Coal Mine Summaries OF-79-01 Colorado Coal Reserve Depletion Data and Coal Mine Summaries
RS-05 Coal Resources of the Denver and Cheyenne Basins RS-05 Coal Resources of the Denver and Cheyenne Basins, Colorado
OF-79-03 Content of Methane in Coal from Four Core Holes in the Raton and Vermejo Formations OF-79-03 Content of Adsorbed Methane in Coal from Four Core Holes in the Raton and Vermejo Formations, Las Animas County, Colorado
MS-09 Coal Resources and Development Map of Colorado (detail) MS-09 Coal Resources and Development Map of Colorado
OF-78-06 Isopach Map of the Watkins Lignite Seam OF-78-06 Isopach Map of the Watkins Lignite Seam, Adams and Arapahoe Counties, Colorado and a Map Showing Extent of Alluvial Valley Floors and Overburden Thickness above the Watkins Lignite Seam, Adams and Arapahoe Counties, Colorado
OF-78-02 Data Accumulation on the Methane Potential of the Coal Beds of Colorado OF-78-02 Data Accumulation on the Methane Potential of the Coal Beds of Colorado, Final Report
OF-78-01 Evaluation of Coking Coal Deposits in Colorado First Annual Report (detail) OF-78-01 Evaluation of Coking Coal Deposits in Colorado First Annual Report
OF-78-09 Coal Mines and Coal Analysis of the Denver and Cheyenne Basins OF-78-09 Coal Mines and Coal Analysis of the Denver and Cheyenne Basins, Colorado
RS-02 Mineral Resources Survey of Mesa County: A Model Study RS-02 Mineral Resources Survey of Mesa County: A Model Study