IS-25 Selected References on the Geology and Coal Resources of the Central and Western Colorado Coal Fields and Regions IS-25 Selected References on the Geology and Coal Resources of the Central and Western Colorado Coal Fields and Regions
RS-25 Coal Resources of the Castle Rock (1/2° x 1°) Quadrangle RS-25 Coal Resources of the Castle Rock (1/2° x 1°) Quadrangle, Colorado
MI-32 Cross Sections showing Stratigraphic Framework of Upper Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone MI-32 Cross Sections showing Stratigraphic Framework of Upper Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone, Mancos Shale, Mesaverde Group, and Mesaverde Formation, and Lower Tertiary Wasatch Formation, West-Central Piceance Basin, Garfield County, Colorado
RS-27 Coal Resources of the Colorado Springs (1/2° x 1°) Quadrangle RS-27 Coal Resources of the Colorado Springs (1/2° x 1°) Quadrangle, Colorado
OF-86-01 Coal Resources of the Dakota Sandstone OF-86-01 Coal Resources of the Dakota Sandstone, Southwestern Colorado
SP-26 Subsidence above Inactive Coal Mines: Information for the Homeowner SP-26 Subsidence above Inactive Coal Mines: Information for the Homeowner
OF-84-01 Bibliography of Coal Resources OF-84-01 Bibliography of Coal Resources, Uinta Coal Region, Colorado
OF-84-17 Bibliography OF-84-17 Bibliography: Coal Resources, North Park, Middle Park and South Park Coal Fields, Colorado
SP-25 Forecast of Colorado Coal Industry SP-25 Forecast of Colorado Coal Industry, Production and Employment, 1984 to 2004
OF-82-01 Coal Bed Methane Potential of the Piceance Basin OF-82-01 Coal Bed Methane Potential of the Piceance Basin, Colorado