
RS-27 Coal Resources of the Colorado Springs (1/2° x 1°) Quadrangle, Colorado


Laramie Formation and Denver Formation coal zone resources calculated from pre-existing data. Overburden isopach, structure contour, isopach, drill hole and mine data points on maps in the Colorado Springs area. 40 pages. 6 figures. 5 tables. 10 plates (1:24,000 and 1:100,000). Digital PDF download. RS-27D

This quadrangle covers 1900 square miles and is located predominately in El Paso County. It also extends slightly into Elbert, Lincoln, Crowley, Pueblo, Fremont and Teller Counties. Only one-third of the quadrangle is underlain by coal deposits, and that area falls within El Paso and Elbert Counties. Major structural features include the Denver Basin in the northern half bordered by the Front Range and Apishapa uplifts on the west and south, respectively. The coal beds occur in the Laramie and Denver Formations in the Denver Basin.