Describes exploration, development and production activity of the gas and oil, coal, and mineral industries in the state of Colorado in 2003. The report also includes information on the state-wide economic impact of these industries. 50 pages. 47 figures. 15 tables. Digital PDF download. IS-69D
The estimated total value of 2003 mineral and mineral fuel production in Colorado is $6,051 million, a 49 percent increase from the revised 2002 total value of $ 4,061 million. The total estimated value of oil, natural gas, and carbon dioxide production in 2003 was $4,667 million, which is up 70 percent from the 2002 value of $2,743 million. The value of Colorado coal production is estimated at $682 million, up 11 percent from the 2002 value of $616 million.
Nonfuel mineral production — including metals, industrial minerals, and construction materials: The USGS Mineral Information Office estimates the value of the 2003 non-fuel mineral production to be $702 million, an 11.6 percent increase from the 2002 value of $629 million. Price increases for both molybdenum and gold were a factor in the increase of non-fuel mineral value.