EG-10 Geologic Hazards, Geomorphic Features, and Land-Use Implications in the Area of the 1976 Big Thompson Flood, Larimer County, Colorado

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Geologic hazards, geomorphic features, and land-use implications in the area of the 1976 Big Thompson flood, Larimer County, Colorado. 4 plates (1:12,000). Digital PDF download. EG-10D

The intense rain and subsequent flooding on the Lower Big Thompson River basin region between 31 July and 01 August 1976 activated or accelerated several geologic processes. The main Big Thompson Canyon area was directly affected, along with its tributaries and drainages. This mapping project delineates the location of geohazards resulting from the storm as well as areas where similar adverse events could occur sometime in the foreseeable future.

Plates 1 through 4 include:

  • 1) Index with introductory text
  • 2-3) West and East map halves
  • 4) geomorphic features formed by flooding


Soule, James M., and William B. Rogers. “EG-10 Geologic Hazards in the Big Thompson Canyon Area, Larimer County, Colorado.” Geologic Hazards. Environmental Geology. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, December 1976. CGS Publications.