ON-004-04D Data tables of detrital zircon U-Pb geochronologic analyses and trace element concentrations of select Cretaceous ON-004-04D Data tables of detrital zircon U-Pb geochronologic analyses and trace element concentrations of select Cretaceous, Paleogene, and Neogene rocks, Denver Basin and Northeastern Colorado (Data) – v20231110
RS-48 Beach placer mineral deposits along localized paleoshorelines of the Western Interior Seaway RS-48 Beach Placer Mineral Deposits along Localized Paleoshorelines of the Western Interior Seaway, Upper Cretaceous Fox Hills Sandstone, Eastern Denver Basin, Colorado
ON-010D Colorado Groundwater Atlas - v20210304 (detail) ON-010M Colorado Groundwater Atlas (Map) – v20210304
ON-010D Colorado Groundwater Atlas - v20210304 (detail) ON-010D Colorado Groundwater Atlas (Data) – v20210304
OF-20-03 Geologic Map of the Bracewell Quadrangle OF-20-03 Geologic Map of the Bracewell Quadrangle, Weld County, Colorado
OF-19-03 Geologic Map of the La Salle Quadrangle OF-19-03 Geologic Map of the La Salle Quadrangle, Weld County, Colorado
OF-18-01 Geologic Map of the Frederick Quadrangle OF-18-01 Geologic Map of the Frederick Quadrangle, Weld and Broomfield Counties, Colorado
MI-97 Paleoseismic Investigation of the Cheraw Fault at Haswell MI-97 Paleoseismic Investigation of the Cheraw Fault at Haswell, Colorado
MS-12 Map of Licensed Coal Mines in Colorado as of 01 June 1978 (detail) MS-12 Map of Licensed Coal Mines in Colorado as of 01 June 1978
OF-17-02 Geologic Map of the Johnstown Quadrangle OF-17-02 Geologic Map of the Johnstown Quadrangle, Larimer and Weld Counties, Colorado