MS-06 Energy Resource Development Map of Colorado

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Energy resource development map of Colorado. For coal, oil shale, oil and gas, uranium, geothermal, and power plants, this map delineates mine, mill, and plant locations, and regional areas as of 1976: For coal, it shows operating or underground mines, proposed or expected underground mines, operating or licensed surface mines, proposed or expected surface mines, known and proposed coal leasing areas, and coal bearing regions; for oil shale, it primarily shows the present distribution and commercial grade yield areas; for oil and gas, it separately shows oil fields and gas fields, as well as named oil or gas discoveries of 1975; for uranium, the resource area is shown, as wells as prospecting permit or permit application areas; for geothermal, thermal springs or wells and thermal areas are shown, and known geothermal resource areas are also shown. Existing and proposed power plants are shown and are differentiated by type.
1 plate (1:500,000). Digital PDF download. MS-06D


Murray, D. Keith. “MS-06 Energy Resource Development Map of Colorado.” Energy Resources. Map Series. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1976.