MS-16 Atlas of Ground Water Quality in Colorado Download Publication Details Hydrogeologic conditions of all aquifers less than 2,000 ft deep in Colorado. Provides cross-sections. 7 plates (1:50,000). Digital PDF download. MS-16D From the Introduction: As part of the requirements to acquire primacy on administration of the underground Injection Control Program in Colorado, The Colorado Department of Health in 1979 contracted with the Colorado Geological Survey to construct a series of hydrogeological maps and cross sections depicting the hydrogeological conditions of all aquifers in Colorado found at a depth of less than 2000 feet below the surface and whose waters contain less than 10,000 mg/L of total dissolved solids. This atlas reports the findings of that effort. Citations Repplier, Frank N., F. C. Healy, Donna Bishop Collins, and P. A. Longmire. “MS-16 Atlas of Ground Water Quality in Colorado.” Groundwater Quality. Map Series. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1980.