OF-01-02 Geologic Map of the Gibson Gulch Quadrangle OF-01-02 Geologic Map of the Gibson Gulch Quadrangle, Garfield County, Colorado
OF-97-07 Stratigraphic and Structural Cross Sections of the Coal-Bearing Williams Fork Formation OF-97-07 Stratigraphic and Structural Cross Sections of the Coal-Bearing Williams Fork Formation, Mesaverde Group, Colorado
OF-97-05 Geologic Map and Coal Measures of the Axial Quadrangle OF-97-05 Geologic Map and Coal Measures of the Axial Quadrangle, Moffat, and Rio Blanco Counties, Colorado
MS-15 Map and Discovery of Permitted Colorado Coal Mines MS-15 Map and Discovery of Permitted Colorado Coal Mines, 1981
MS-07 Geology for Land-Use Planning in the Craig Area MS-07 Geology for Land-Use Planning in the Craig Area, Moffat County, Colorado