Includes three plates: 1) geologic map, 2) measured coal sections along the northern part of the Danforth Hills in the southern part of the Axial quadrangle, and 3) oil and gas well and coal exploration test holes in the same area. Map area contains economically important thick coal beds of the Williams Fork Formation and includes the Colowyo Mine. 3 plates (1:24,000). Digital PDF download. OF-97-05D
From the Author’s Notes:
The Axial quadrangle was mapped in the summer of 1996 as part of the CGS’s mapping program to support economic geologic activities in Colorado severance tax fund. The Axial quadrangle was selected for this study because of coal mining interests in the absence of current geologic mapping at a 1:24,000 scale. Previous geologic mapping in the area includes a map by Nutt (1977) and an earlier map by Hancock (1925). The principal resource of economic interest in the quadrangle is coal, although some oil and gas and sand and gravel development is present.