MS-47 Collapsible Soil Susceptibility Map of the Colorado River Corridor in the Vicinity of Rifle MS-47 Collapsible Soil Susceptibility Map of the Colorado River Corridor in the Vicinity of Rifle, Garfield County, Colorado
SP-43 A Guide to Swelling Soils for Colorado Homebuyers and Homeowners SP-43 A Guide to Swelling Soils for Colorado Homebuyers and Homeowners
MS-34 Collapsible Soils and Evaporite Karst Hazards of the Roaring Fork River Corridor MS-34 Collapsible Soils and Evaporite Karst Hazards of the Roaring Fork River Corridor, Garfield, Eagle, and Pitkin Counties, Colorado
OF-02-08 Soil and Bedrock Conditions and Construction Considerations OF-02-08 Soil and Bedrock Conditions and Construction Considerations, North-Central Douglas County, Colorado
MS-32 Map of Areas Susceptible to Differential Heave in Expansive MS-32 Map of Areas Susceptible to Differential Heave in Expansive, Steeply Dipping Bedrock, City of Colorado Springs, Colorado
SP-42 Heaving Bedrock Hazards Associated with Expansive SP-42 Heaving Bedrock Hazards Associated with Expansive, Steeply Dipping Bedrock, Douglas County, Colorado
SP-45 Heaving Bedrock Hazards Mitigation and Land-Use Policy: Front Range Piedmont SP-45 Heaving Bedrock Hazards Mitigation and Land-Use Policy: Front Range Piedmont, Colorado
OF-95-05 The Dipping Bedrock Overlay District (DBOD): An Area of Potential Heaving Bedrock Patterns Associated with Expansive OF-95-05 The Dipping Bedrock Overlay District (DBOD): An Area of Potential Heaving Bedrock Patterns Associated with Expansive, Steeply Dipping Bedrock in Douglas County, Colorado