OF-75-03 Mineral Resources Maps of Moffat County OF-75-03 Mineral Resources Maps of Moffat County, Colorado
OF-75-04 Mineral Resources and Mining Potential in the Idaho Springs Vicinity OF-75-04 Mineral Resources and Mining Potential in the Idaho Springs Vicinity, Clear Creek County, Colorado
OF-73-01 Geology and Mineral Resources of Planning District 6 (detail) OF-73-01 Geology and Mineral Resources of LAVCOG Planning District 6
MIN-1965-01 Compilation of Colorado Bureau of Mines Annual Reports 1896-1965 (1964 cover example) MIN-1965-01 Compilation of Colorado Bureau of Mines Annual Reports 1896-1965
MI-06 Chemical Refining Study of Base and Precious Metal Ore in Colorado MI-06 Chemical Refining Study of Base and Precious Metal Ore in Colorado
MIN-1936-01 Annotated Catalogue of Unpublished Engineering and Geological Reports on Mineral Resources of Colorado MIN-1936-01 Annotated Catalogue of Unpublished Engineering and Geological Reports on Mineral Resources of Colorado
B-30 Geology and Ore Deposits of the Red Cliff District B-30 Geology and Ore Deposits of the Red Cliff District, Colorado