Although this publication is available in other places on the internet, we thought it a valuable addition to our historical report collection on statewide mineral resources. 91 pages. Digital PDF download. MIN-1936-01D.
From the Preface:
The demand for information relating to the mineral resources of Colorado other than that available in published form was brought to the attention of the Colorado State Planning Commission. It was believed that much unpublished data could be secured in various parts of the state, which would be of definite value when assembled and arranged for use, Accordingly this work was undertaken as one phase of the studies of the State Planning Commission with the staff provided by the Works Progress Administration under Federal Project No. 3, a project conducted in cooperation with the National Resources Committee.
The material collected consists of some 782 engineering and geological reports, 328 maps of mining properties, mining districts, and
petroleum properties, briefs of the annual reports of approximately 3100 mines, logs of 4506 oil and water wells, and some record of 5190 additional wells. Copies in triplicate were made of all items, of which two copies have been deposited for reference use at the Technical Department of the Denver Public Library, and a third copy at the Colorado School of Mines, The final step in the project was the preparation of this catalogue comprising lists of references to the material by author, subject, and county location.