IS-25 Selected References on the Geology and Coal Resources of the Central and Western Colorado Coal Fields and Regions IS-25 Selected References on the Geology and Coal Resources of the Central and Western Colorado Coal Fields and Regions
OF-88-01 Surficial Geologic and Landslide Map of Vega Reservoir and Vicinity OF-88-01 Surficial Geologic and Landslide Map of Vega Reservoir and Vicinity, Mesa County, Colorado
OF-86-01 Coal Resources of the Dakota Sandstone OF-86-01 Coal Resources of the Dakota Sandstone, Southwestern Colorado
OF-86-06 Vega Reservoir Access Road and Vicinity: Assessment of Landslide and Related Problems OF-86-06 Vega Reservoir Access Road and Vicinity: Assessment of Landslide and Related Problems
SP-27 Scenic Trips into Colorado Geology: Uncompahgre Plateau; Montrose SP-27 Scenic Trips into Colorado Geology: Uncompahgre Plateau; Montrose, Ridgeway, Norwood, Naturita, Uravan, Gateway, Delta
OF-84-14 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves for Mesa County OF-84-14 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves for Mesa County, Colorado
OF-84-01 Bibliography of Coal Resources OF-84-01 Bibliography of Coal Resources, Uinta Coal Region, Colorado
OF-82-01 Coal Bed Methane Potential of the Piceance Basin OF-82-01 Coal Bed Methane Potential of the Piceance Basin, Colorado
OF-82-02 Potential Sites Suitable for Relocation and/or Reprocessing of the Grand Junction and Rifle Uranium Mill Tailings Piles OF-82-02 Potential Sites Suitable for Relocation and/or Reprocessing of the Grand Junction and Rifle Uranium Mill Tailings Piles
MS-15 Map and Discovery of Permitted Colorado Coal Mines MS-15 Map and Discovery of Permitted Colorado Coal Mines, 1981
MS-13 State Lands Status Map: Lands and Minerals Administered by Agencies of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources MS-13 State Lands Status Map: Lands and Minerals Administered by Agencies of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources