WAT-2008-01 Coalbed Methane Stream Depletion Assessment Study Piceance Basin WAT-2008-01 Coalbed Methane Stream Depletion Assessment Study Piceance Basin, Colorado
OF-02-18 Evaluation of Mineral and Mineral Fuel Potential of Delta OF-02-18 Evaluation of Mineral and Mineral Fuel Potential of Delta, Mesa, Ouray, Rio Blanco, and San Miguel Counties State Mineral Lands Administered by the Colorado State Land Board
B-53 Clastic Dikes Intruding Cretaceous Coals of Western Colorado B-53 Clastic Dikes Intruding Cretaceous Coals of Western Colorado
OF-97-07 Stratigraphic and Structural Cross Sections of the Coal-Bearing Williams Fork Formation OF-97-07 Stratigraphic and Structural Cross Sections of the Coal-Bearing Williams Fork Formation, Mesaverde Group, Colorado
MS-30 Basement Structure Map of Colorado with Major Oil and Gas Fields (detail) MS-30 Basement Structure Map of Colorado with Major Oil and Gas Fields
OF-95-01 1992-1993 Low Temperature Geothermal Assessment Program OF-95-01 1992-1993 Low Temperature Geothermal Assessment Program, Colorado
OF-95-02 Genetic Stratigraphy OF-95-02 Genetic Stratigraphy, Coal Occurrence and Regional Cross Section of the Coal-Bearing Williams Fork Formation, Mesaverde Group, Piceance Basin, Northwestern Colorado
B-50 Debris-Flow Origin of High-Level Sloping Surfaces on the Northern Flanks of Battlement Mesa B-50 Debris-Flow Origin of High-Level Sloping Surfaces on the Northern Flanks of Battlement Mesa, and Surficial Geology of Parts of the North Mamm Peak, Rifle, and Rulison Quadrangles, Garfield County, Colorado
OF-90-01 Mesaverde Cross Sections OF-90-01 Mesaverde Cross Sections, Piceance Basin, Colorado: Index to Published Sections and New Sections at Plateau and White River Fields