B-13 Geology and Ore Deposits of the Platoro-Summitville Mining District B-13 Geology and Ore Deposits of the Platoro-Summitville Mining District
HM-04 1913 Topographic Map of Colorado (George) (detail) HM-04 1913 Topographic Map of Colorado (George)
B-04 Geology and Ore Deposits of the Monarch District and Tomichi Districts B-04 Geology and Ore Deposits of the Monarch District and Tomichi Districts, Colorado
B-03 Geology and Ore Deposits of the Alma District B-03 Geology and Ore Deposits of the Alma District, Park County, Colorado
MI-19 Nell’s Topographical and Township Map of the State of Colorado (detail) MI-19 Nell’s Topographical and Township Map of the State of Colorado
HM-01-04 1877 Geologic Map of Colorado (Hayden) (detail) HM-01A Six 1877 Geologic Map Sheets and Two Cross Sections of Colorado (Hayden)
HM-01-18 1877 Geologic Map HM-01-18 1877 Geologic Map, Sheet XVIII: Geologic Cross Sections of the Western Slope and Central CO (Hayden)
HM-01-17 1877 Geologic Map HM-01-17 1877 Geologic Map, Sheet XVII: Geologic Cross Sections of the Front Range and Central CO (Hayden)