EG-01 Geologic aspects, soils and related foundation problems, Denver metropolitan area, Colorado

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20 pages, 2 plates (1:66,000), 3 figures, 3 tables. Digital PDF download. EG-01D

Excerpt from the report:

The purpose of the study was to provide a non-technical summary of the soils and related geologic problems in the Denver Metropolitan area. Data from published and unpublished sources have been synthesized and incorporated into this report in a form that can be used by the general public, planners, engineers, architects, contractors, governmental agencies, and land developers.

The study area includes approximately 500 square miles in Township 2 South through Township 5 South and Range 67 West through those portions of Ranges 69 West and 70 West of the 6th P.M. which lie east of the Dakota sandstone hogback. The geologic and soils conditions of the Denver area tend to create several difficulties in construction. The major soil problems are: swelling soils, settling soils, and potential landslide areas. Soils developed from swelling clays or clay shales increase in volume on exposure to moisture and often cause cracking of sidewalks, streets and building foundations. Common methods of treatment of these soils to prevent swelling are provided.


Hamilton, J. L., and W. G. Owens. “EG-01 Geologic Aspects, Soils and Related Foundation Problems, Denver Metropolitan Area, Colorado.” Environmental Geology. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1972. CGS Publications.