OF-19-10 Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Map of Teller County, Colorado

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This CGS study 1) evaluates and maps known and previously unmapped landslide deposits with the aid of new high-resolution light detection and ranging (lidar) data and 2) identifies landslide-susceptible zones based on slope derived from a 10-m DEM and geology from geologic maps at various scales. Includes a report, a PDF map file, and GIS data. Digital ZIP download. OF-19-10D

From the Report:

The CGS provides geologic hazard susceptibility maps to state and local governments chiefly for use in planning processes and mitigation plans. The Landslide Susceptibility Map of Teller County is part of a statewide effort to produce inventory and susceptibility maps for landslide-prone areas in Colorado. Teller County is west of El Paso County and Colorado Springs. This study evaluates and maps known and previously unmapped landslide deposits with the aid of new high-resolution light detection and ranging (lidar) data, defines boundaries for previously unmapped landslides, and identifies landslide-susceptible zones based on slope derived from a 10-m digital elevation model (DEM) and geologic data from published geologic maps at various scales within the county.

Many of the landslides mapped in this county are associated with Precambrian crystalline rocks, likely due to the highly faulted and fractured nature of the rocks in the area. Most of the largest landslides mapped in the county are associated with the Pikes Peak Granite, other Precambrian granites, and Tertiary volcanic rocks. The Fountain Formation, Fremont Limestone, Harding Sandstone, Sawatch Formation, and Manitou Limestone are also locally prone to landsliding in the county. Some of the landslides failed on or near mapped faults.


Lindsey, Kassandra. “OF-19-10 Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Map of Teller County, Colorado.” Geologic Hazards. Open File Report. Golden, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, August 2020. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/landslide-susceptibility-teller-colorado/.
OF-19-10 Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Map of Teller County
OF-19-10 Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Map of Teller County


Hazards, Landslides