B-46 Colorado Earthquake Data and Interpretation B-46 Colorado Earthquake Data and Interpretation, 1867 to 1985
OF-85-01 Surficial Geology OF-85-01 Surficial Geology, Geomorphology, and General Engineering Geology of Parts of the Colorado River Valley, Roaring Fork River Valley, and Adjacent Areas, Garfield County, Colorado
SP-26 Subsidence above Inactive Coal Mines: Information for the Homeowner SP-26 Subsidence above Inactive Coal Mines: Information for the Homeowner
OF-83-04 Reconnaissance Geology and Geologic Hazards Maps of the Canon City 7.5-minute Quadrangle OF-83-04 Reconnaissance Geology and Geologic Hazards Maps of the Canon City 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Colorado
OF-83-05 Reconnaissance Geology and Geologic Hazards Maps of the Florence 7.5-minute Quadrangle OF-83-05 Reconnaissance Geology and Geologic Hazards Maps of the Florence 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Colorado
HAZ-1983-01 Preliminary Evaluation of Rockfall Hazard in the Booth Creek Area HAZ-1983-01 Preliminary Evaluation of Rockfall Hazard in the Booth Creek Area
SP-19 Colorado Tectonics SP-19 Colorado Tectonics, Seismicity and Earthquake Hazards: Proceedings and Field Trip Guide of a Symposium Held in Denver, Colorado, June 4-6, 1981
B-43 Earthquake Potential in Colorado B-43 Earthquake Potential in Colorado, A Preliminary Evaluation
IS-14 Hazardous Wastes in Colorado: A Preliminary Evaluation of Generation and Geologic Criteria for Disposal IS-14 Hazardous Wastes in Colorado: A Preliminary Evaluation of Generation and Geologic Criteria for Disposal
OF-80-06 Geology for Land-Use Planning in the Green Mountain Reservoir Area OF-80-06 Geology for Land-Use Planning in the Green Mountain Reservoir Area, Summit County, Colorado
SP-12 Nature’s Building Codes: Geology and Construction in Colorado SP-12 Nature’s Building Codes: Geology and Construction in Colorado