HAZ-1997-01 Rockfall Hazard Assessment at Booth Falls Condominiums and Proposed Mitigation HAZ-1997-01 Rockfall Hazard Assessment at Booth Falls Condominiums and Proposed Mitigation
IS-43 Snow and Avalanche: Colorado Avalanche Information Center Annual Report IS-43 Snow and Avalanche: Colorado Avalanche Information Center Annual Report, 1996-1997
SP-42 Heaving Bedrock Hazards Associated with Expansive SP-42 Heaving Bedrock Hazards Associated with Expansive, Steeply Dipping Bedrock, Douglas County, Colorado
SP-45 Heaving Bedrock Hazards Mitigation and Land-Use Policy: Front Range Piedmont SP-45 Heaving Bedrock Hazards Mitigation and Land-Use Policy: Front Range Piedmont, Colorado
SP-39 The Snowy Torrents: Avalanche Accidents in the U.S. SP-39 The Snowy Torrents: Avalanche Accidents in the U.S., 1980-86
HAZ-1996-02 Geologic Hazards and Engineering Practices in Colorado HAZ-1996-02 Geologic Hazards and Engineering Practices in Colorado, Extended Abstracts
HAZ-1996-01 Geologic Hazards and Engineering Practices in Colorado HAZ-1996-01 Geologic Hazards and Engineering Practices in Colorado, Extended Abstracts
OF-96-04-08 Geology and Geologic Hazards of the Glenwood Springs Area OF-96-04-08 Geology and Geologic Hazards of the Glenwood Springs Area, Central Colorado
OF-96-04-11 The Slumgullion Landslide OF-96-04-11 The Slumgullion Landslide, Hinsdale County, Colorado
OF-95-05 The Dipping Bedrock Overlay District (DBOD): An Area of Potential Heaving Bedrock Patterns Associated with Expansive OF-95-05 The Dipping Bedrock Overlay District (DBOD): An Area of Potential Heaving Bedrock Patterns Associated with Expansive, Steeply Dipping Bedrock in Douglas County, Colorado
B-50 Debris-Flow Origin of High-Level Sloping Surfaces on the Northern Flanks of Battlement Mesa B-50 Debris-Flow Origin of High-Level Sloping Surfaces on the Northern Flanks of Battlement Mesa, and Surficial Geology of Parts of the North Mamm Peak, Rifle, and Rulison Quadrangles, Garfield County, Colorado