
OF-96-04-08 Geology and Geologic Hazards of the Glenwood Springs Area, Central Colorado


Field trip no. 8 from “Geologic Excursions to the Rocky Mountains and Beyond,” field trip guidebook of the 1996 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America. (SP-44 has the complete set.) 38 pages. Digital PDF download. OF-96-04-08D

From the Introduction:

The Glenwood Springs area geologic field trip for the 1996 national meeting of the Geological Society of America focuses on the late Paleozoic Eagle Basin, late Laramide White River Uplift, and Neogene tectonism, volcanism, and geomorphic history. Active geologic processes and their relation to works of man will be discussed. On route to the Eagle Basin we will cross the structurally deepest part of the Denver Basin, the Laramide Front Range Uplift, a half graben related to the Neogene Rio Grande Rift, and the Neogene Tenmile and Gore Ranges. Our first stop is at Vail Pass about 136 km (85 miles) from downtown Denver. A description of the geology along the route from Denver to that stop is included in the guidebook.

The Colorado Geological Survey (CGS) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) are cooperatively mapping in the region. Since their work is in progress, interpretations presented herein should be considered as working hypotheses and subject to modification. We hope that the field trip stimulates questions and discussions which will aid our geologic studies of this fascinating area.