OF-75-03 Mineral Resources Maps of Moffat County OF-75-03 Mineral Resources Maps of Moffat County, Colorado
EG-06 Environmental and Engineering Geology of the Windsor Study Area EG-06 Environmental and Engineering Geology of the Windsor Study Area, Larimer and Weld Counties, Colorado
B-35 Proceedings of a Symposium on Geothermal Energy and Colorado B-35 Proceedings of a Symposium on Geothermal Energy and Colorado
OS-02 Surface Rehabilitation of Land Disturbances Resulting from Oil Shale Development OS-02 Surface Rehabilitation of Land Disturbances Resulting from Oil Shale Development
OS-03 Tax Lead Time Study for the Oil Shale Region -- Fiscal Alternative for Rapidly Growing Communities OS-03 Tax Lead Time Study for the Oil Shale Region: Fiscal Alternative for Rapidly Growing Communities
OS-04 A Summary Report; Oil Shale and the Future of a Region OS-04 Oil Shale and the Future of a Region: Garfield, Mesa, and Rio Blanco Counties, Colorado, A Summary Report
OS-05 Impact Analysis and Development Patterns Related to an Oil Shale Industry OS-05 Impact Analysis and Development Patterns Related to an Oil Shale Industry: Regional Development and Land Use Study
OS-06 Regional Oil Shale Study Environmental Inventory OS-06 Regional Oil Shale Study – Environmental Inventory, Analysis, and Impact: Piceance Creek Basin, Rio Blanco and Garfield Counties, Colorado