B-46 Colorado Earthquake Data and Interpretation B-46 Colorado Earthquake Data and Interpretation, 1867 to 1985
OF-85-01 Surficial Geology OF-85-01 Surficial Geology, Geomorphology, and General Engineering Geology of Parts of the Colorado River Valley, Roaring Fork River Valley, and Adjacent Areas, Garfield County, Colorado
OF-85-04 Colorado’s Oil and Gas Industry Employment Projections to 2000 OF-85-04 Colorado’s Oil and Gas Industry Employment Projections to 2000
OF-85-05 Metal Industry in Colorado: Forecasts to the Year 2002 OF-85-05 Metal Industry in Colorado: Forecasts to the Year 2002
SP-26 Subsidence above Inactive Coal Mines: Information for the Homeowner SP-26 Subsidence above Inactive Coal Mines: Information for the Homeowner
SP-27 Scenic Trips into Colorado Geology: Uncompahgre Plateau; Montrose SP-27 Scenic Trips into Colorado Geology: Uncompahgre Plateau; Montrose, Ridgeway, Norwood, Naturita, Uravan, Gateway, Delta
WAT-1985-01 Preliminary Ground Water Investigations of Division of Wildlife Fish Hatcheries WAT-1985-01 Preliminary Ground Water Investigations of Division of Wildlife Fish Hatcheries
OF-84-01 Bibliography of Coal Resources OF-84-01 Bibliography of Coal Resources, Uinta Coal Region, Colorado
OF-84-02 Colorado Desorption Samples: Descriptive Statistics and Gas Prediction Equations OF-84-02 Colorado Desorption Samples: Descriptive Statistics and Gas Prediction Equations
OF-84-03 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves for Washington County OF-84-03 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves for Washington County, Colorado
OF-84-04 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves for Rio Blanco County OF-84-04 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves for Rio Blanco County, Colorado
OF-84-05 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves for Adams County OF-84-05 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves for Adams County, Colorado