IS-25 Selected References on the Geology and Coal Resources of the Central and Western Colorado Coal Fields and Regions IS-25 Selected References on the Geology and Coal Resources of the Central and Western Colorado Coal Fields and Regions
OF-88-01 Surficial Geologic and Landslide Map of Vega Reservoir and Vicinity OF-88-01 Surficial Geologic and Landslide Map of Vega Reservoir and Vicinity, Mesa County, Colorado
OF-88-02 Inspection and Certification Program for CERCLA Remedial Activities at Uravan OF-88-02 Inspection and Certification Program for CERCLA Remedial Activities at Uravan, Colorado
SP-32 The Colorado Geological Survey: An Evaluation and Report SP-32 The Colorado Geological Survey: An Evaluation and Report
RS-25 Coal Resources of the Castle Rock (1/2° x 1°) Quadrangle RS-25 Coal Resources of the Castle Rock (1/2° x 1°) Quadrangle, Colorado
OF-87-01 Inspection Program for Low-Level Waste Disposal Facilities in Colorado OF-87-01 Inspection Program for Low-Level Waste Disposal Facilities in Colorado
OF-87-02 Preliminary Investigation of the Telluride Airport Debris Flow of April 30 OF-87-02 Preliminary Investigation of the Telluride Airport Debris Flow of April 30, 1987, San Miguel County, Colorado
OF-87-03 Tri-Towns Subsidence Investigation OF-87-03 Tri-Towns Subsidence Investigation, Weld County, Colorado
SP-14 Home Landscaping and Maintenance on Swelling Soil SP-14 Home Landscaping and Maintenance on Swelling Soil
MI-32 Cross Sections showing Stratigraphic Framework of Upper Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone MI-32 Cross Sections showing Stratigraphic Framework of Upper Cretaceous Dakota Sandstone, Mancos Shale, Mesaverde Group, and Mesaverde Formation, and Lower Tertiary Wasatch Formation, West-Central Piceance Basin, Garfield County, Colorado
RS-27 Coal Resources of the Colorado Springs (1/2° x 1°) Quadrangle RS-27 Coal Resources of the Colorado Springs (1/2° x 1°) Quadrangle, Colorado