As an agency heavily involved with spatial and mapping information, the CGS is moving more and more to dynamic GIS data presentation for ease-of-use and for the many options that GIS tools allow. Almost all of our current projects and publications have substantial GIS components.
The mapping section has more detailed information about how the CGS generates and processes spatial information.
In 2020 the CGS adopted the USGS Geologic Map Schema Standard (GeMS) database design for STATEMAP-funded geologic maps. More information about this critical information resource and the standards it incorporates may be found on the USGS National Geologic Map Database (NGMDB) site.
We are slowly building out our library of online GIS maps that offer refined views of Colorado geology along the associated derivatives. We know that these are of use to our various constituencies. We continue to assess our entire GIS dataspace for new packages of data that we can bring online as time passes.
ON-004-01 — StateMap Progression Map — shows the quadrangles that have been geologically mapped across the state, both USGS and CGS maps. Of Colorado’s approximately 1,800 7.5-minute quads, more than 500 have been mapped and there are usually around ten more that are in progress at any one time.
ON-004-02 — Colorado POGI Map — Reviving this popular map of Colorado Points of Geologic Interest was a high priority, and here it is as a shared Google Map. Comments welcome!
ON-005-01 — Colorado Geothermal Resources — Includes hot spring locations and uses; heat flow data and thermal gradients.
ON-006-01M — Colorado Landslide Inventory — Includes landslides digitized from a variety of map sources, does not include landslides mapped by private consultants, academics, or in professional publications outside the CGS and the USGS.
ON-006-03 — AM.RD349 Raspberry Shake live link — A direct link to our RaspberryShake seismometer unit located at our laboratory. This site shows many other units located around the world along with their live traces.
ON-006-04 — Collapsible Soils of Colorado — Compilation of data from different CGS publications including EG-14 Collapsible Soils in Colorado; MS-47 Collapsible Soil Susceptibility Map of the Colorado River Corridor in the Vicinity of Rifle, Garfield County, Colorado; OF-09-01 Geologic Hazards Mapping Project of the Uncompahgre River Valley Area, Montrose County, Colorado, and MS-34 Collapsible Soils and Evaporite Karst Hazards of the Roaring Fork River Corridor, Garfield, Eagle, and Pitkin Counties, Colorado.
ON-006-05 — Seismic Stations in Colorado — Includes information on seismic stations operated by US Bureau of Reclamation, Colorado Mesa University, the CGS, NEIC, University of New Mexico, and USGS NEHRP.
ON-006-06 — Colorado Historic Coal Mines — Shows areas of potential under-mining, as well as point information on mine location, when available.
ON-006-07 — Preliminary Survey of Debris Flow, Landslide, and Rockfall Deposits as a result of the September 11-14, 2013 Flooding Events, Boulder County, Colorado — Extents and approximate locations of debris flow, landslide, and rockfall deposits that were the result of the September 11-14, 2013 flooding events in Boulder County.
ON-006-08 — Preliminary Survey of Debris Flow, Landslide, and Rockfall Deposits as a result of the September 11-14, 2013 Flooding Events, Larimer County, Colorado — Extents and approximate locations of debris flow, landslide, and rockfall deposits that were the result of the September 11-14, 2013 flooding events in Larimer County.
ON-006-11M — Landslide Inventory of El Paso County, Colorado (Map) – v20220208 — Extents and locations of landslide areas in El Paso County.
ON-006-12M — Debris-flow Susceptibility Map of Select Colorado Counties – v20220215 — Extents and locations of areas of debris flow in Larimer, Boulder, Jefferson, Douglas, and El Paso counties.
ON-006-13M — Landslide Inventory of Clear Creek County, Colorado (Map) – v20220811 — Extents and locations of landslide areas in Clear Creek County.
ON-006-14M — Landslide Inventory of Summit County, Colorado (Map) – v20220920 — Extents and locations of landslide areas in Summit County.
ON-006-15M — Colorado Earthquake and Fault Map — shows a variety of information including Cenozoic faults. (supersedes publications B-46; B-52; B-52B, and IS-60).
ON-007-01 — Aggregate Resources of Colorado — Includes information from CGS sand, gravel, and quarry aggregate publications for most of the Front Range counties, Garfield County, as well as a statewide map of older quarry locations. Also includes locations and ratings of these potential resources to assist with land use planning and resource development.
ON-007-02 — Colorado Historic Coal Mines — A compilation of all known coal mining operations in Colorado between 1864-2002: (IS-64 Historic Coal Mines of Colorado). Of the 1,700+ coal mines reported, about 90% have location data that are included on the IS-64 map. Locations include point location data and the estimated extent of the undermined areas from historic maps if available.
ON-007-03M — Mineral Resource Potential Derivative Map — Mineral resource derivative maps using 7.5-minute quadrangles published under the current CGS STATEMAP geologic mapping program. These maps show the general location and mineral potential rating of select aggregate and industrial mineral deposits by geological unit as mapped during the STATEMAP program. The maps are created from these geological maps and historic mining/quarry information to provide a general rating as to their potential for containing select mineral resources. Potential mineral resources include sand and gravel, decomposed granite, crushed stone, clay/claystone/shale, fluorspar, gypsum, limestone and dolomite, dimension stone, and others. Derivative maps are generalizations of detailed geological information that are used to assist non-geologists with evaluating complex geological information. For more about geologic mapping and what the information is used for, see our RockTalk on the subject.
ON-007-05 — StoryMap: Colorado Aggregate Resources – Geology and Industry Overview — Integrates maps, text, and photos about the location and geology of sand, gravel, and quarry aggregates in the state. Includes a description of aggregates, what they are used for, where they are found, how and why the location of these deposits are important to land-use planning, and the general geology of sand, gravel, and rock quarry aggregates.
ON-007-07 — Reconnaissance of Potential Sand Sources in Colorado for Hydraulic Fracturing — Includes data on the two plates included in: RS-47 Reconnaissance of Potential Sand Sources in Colorado for Hydraulic Fracturing. Data from over 800 sample locations across the state include photos of each sample location, photomicrographs of samples, geologic descriptions, estimates of rounding and sphericity, estimates of quartz content and friability, mineralogy, sieve results, and resource ratings.
ON-007-08D — Historic Metal Mining Districts of Colorado (Data) – v20201112 — This data download includes a compilation of individual mining district reviews, organized by county, as well as GIS shapefiles of all districts.
ON-007-08M — Historic Metal Mining Districts of Colorado (Map) – v20201112 — This GIS map includes the most current information for this project.
ON-B-40D — Radioactive Mineral Occurrences of Colorado and Bibliography — This data download includes locations and descriptions of over 2,000 radioactive mineral occurrences in Colorado. Originally published as CGS (B-40 Radioactive Mineral Occurrences of Colorado and Bibliography), locations on the original plates were combined with the information provided in the text document to create a comprehensive spreadsheet, electronic bibliography, county summary document, and GIS data download. Information includes the original mine name, location notes, mine development information, production, background radiation measurements, host rock types, alteration, mineralogy, structure, and references.
ON-B-40M — Radioactive Mineral Occurrences of Colorado and Bibliography — Includes descriptions and the locations of over 2,000 radioactive mineral occurrences in Colorado. Originally published as CGS Bulletin 40 (B-40 Radioactive Mineral Occurrences of Colorado and Bibliography), locations on the original plates were combined with the information provided in the text document to create this informative map. Location information includes the original mine name, location notes, mine development information, production, background radiation measurements, host rock types, alteration, mineralogy, structure, and references. See ON-B-40D for data associated with this map including county summary text, a spreadsheet, and the GIS data files.
ON-OF-78-08M — Select geological logs associated with coal resources, Denver and Cheyenne Basins, Colorado — Scanned geophysical and lithology logs of more than 500 wells drilled in the 1960s during coal exploration of the two basins. Useful for geologic mapping, mineral and groundwater resource evaluations, and for land-use reviews.
ON-008-04D — ON-008-04D U.S. Forest Service Abandoned Mine Land Inventory Project – Colorado (Data) – v20200820 — The most current downloadable data package for this historic project, comprised of GIS data collected in the 1990s; finalized as of 03 June 2011; with minor clerical updates completed as of 20 August 2020.
ON-008-04M — ON-008-04M U.S. Forest Service Abandoned Mine Land Inventory Map – Colorado (Map) —
ON-OF-15-10 — Geology and Groundwater Resources of Douglas County, Colorado — County-based groundwater survey that addresses in detail all aquifers utilized in each county including those in alluvial, sedimentary, and crystalline formations.
ON-OF-15-11 — Geology and Groundwater Resources of Park County, Colorado — County-based groundwater survey that addresses in detail all aquifers utilized in each county including those in alluvial, sedimentary, and crystalline formations.
ON-OF-16-04 — Geology and Groundwater Resources of Chaffee County, Colorado — County-based groundwater survey that addresses in detail all aquifers utilized in each county including those in alluvial, sedimentary, and crystalline formations.
ON-OF-17-01 — Geology and Groundwater Resources of Mesa County, Colorado — County-based groundwater survey that addresses in detail all aquifers utilized in each county including those in alluvial, sedimentary, and crystalline formations.
ON-OF-18-12 — Geology and Groundwater Resources of Elbert County, Colorado — County-based groundwater survey that addresses in detail all aquifers utilized in each county including those in alluvial, sedimentary, and crystalline formations.
ON-OF-19-01 — Geology and Groundwater Resources of La Plata County, Colorado (coming in late 2021) — County-based groundwater survey that addresses in detail all aquifers utilized in each county including those in alluvial, sedimentary, and crystalline formations.
ON-010 — Colorado Groundwater Atlas — As a critical natural resource for Colorado, groundwater is the focus of this informative and data-rich online publication from the CGS. Building on our previous award-winning Ground Water Atlas of Colorado, it features a wide range of easily accessible data from various sources.
ON-010D — Colorado Groundwater Atlas (Data) – v20200520 — The most current (20 May 2020) downloadable GIS dataset, also includes a full set of high-resolution Figures and Tables from the Atlas.
ON-010-02D — ON-010-02D Colorado Statewide Alluvial Aquifer (Data) — GIS dataset of alluvial deposits along streams and rivers throughout Colorado — deposits with the potential for forming alluvial aquifers in direct hydraulic connection with surface water.
Third-Party Resources
Colorado Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Information map — May also be accessed through the CDPHE at the Mine Impacted Streams TaskForce. The user interface is a GIS platform and includes AML information layers which can be projected on road maps, satellite imagery, property ownership maps, watershed maps, and more.
USGS Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS) — MRDS is a collection of reports describing metallic and nonmetallic mineral resources throughout the world. Included are deposit name, location, commodity, deposit description, geologic characteristics, production, reserves, resources, and references.
USGS/AASG National Geologic Map Database (NGMDB) — The collaborative national mapping database with a wide variety of ways to see and download geological map information from both federal and state agencies.
Colorado Hazard Mapping & Risk MAP Portal — A service of the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB), features a extensive range of GIS and other online assets related to the CWCB mission to protect statewide water resources.
Colorado Department of Local Affairs GIS Portal — A repository for a wide range of statewide GIS data downloads.
Many of our publications include GIS_Data directories as part of the downloadable package. As always, this data is free and may be used within many standard GIS applications. We do most of our GIS production work using ArcGIS from ESRI, with the Avenza app as the go-to for field mapping and data geolocation.
Note: The CGS no longer serves LiDAR data because the State of Colorado recently opened a new map portal—Colorado Hazard Mapping—that accepts direct requests from the public for available statewide LiDAR data. Once you are at the Hazard Mapping site, look for the tab Browse and Download LIDAR Data near the top of the screen to get to the coverage map. On that state-wide map you can search for, select, and download whatever LIDAR data coverage is available in your area of interest.
Colorado GIS Coordination and Development Program — The primary Colorado State GIS map viewer and data download site.
Colorado Department of Local Affairs GIS Portal — A state repository for a wide range of statewide GIS data downloads.
Colorado Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources GIS & MAPS — Several hydrographic map viewers (and downloads) related to water administration, conservation, and modeling.
Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety (DRMS) – Data Search — Includes documents and GIS downloads on mines around the state.
Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) – Data Downloads — Access to all available statewide oil and gas data.
The Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) consortium — Includes data downloads for a variety of surface land cover situations.
OpenTopography — provides a wide range of high-resolution topography datasets for the US and some international content.
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Geospatial Data Gateway — GIS resource index including soil, hydrography, land cover, and other downloads.
USGS Geologic Map of Colorado — GeoTiff and KMZ versions of the classic geology of the state from Ogden Tweto, 1979.
USGS – The Digital Geologic Map of Colorado in ARC/INFO Format — This map was produced from Tweto’s 1979 Geologic Map of Colorado and is available in ArcGIS and GoogleEarth (KML) file formats.
USGS The National Map — Includes a complete range of elevation, hydrography, historical topographic datasets and much more for download.
USGS Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS) — a collection of reports describing metallic and nonmetallic mineral resources throughout the world. Included are deposit name, location, commodity, deposit description, geologic characteristics, production, reserves, resources, and references.
USGS Prospect- and mine-related features on USGS topographic maps — a compilation of data points representing prospect pits, mine shafts and adits, quarries, open-pit mines, tailings piles and ponds, gravel and borrow pits, and other features.
REST Services are public domain datasets actively served from remote GIS servers that may be incorporated into your GIS projects. Many state and federal agencies already make significant data feeds available, with the number and quality increasing constantly.
Colorado Geological Survey (CGS) — The CGS supplies a wide range of REST services including: AML, Hazards, Minerals, and Water.
Colorado Department of Natural Resources (DNR) — Includes many services similar to the State Land Board, as well as other third-party data from the BLM, USFS, and other agencies.
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) — Various feeds on Colorado health, including stream- and mine-related data.
Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) — A range of services related to transportation infrastructure across the state.
Colorado Division of Water Resources (CDWR) — A wide range of non-ArcGIS REST services within their HydroBase system.
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) Rest Services — Administrative boundaries; species data
Colorado State Land Board (CSLB) — A wide range of data—ownership, analysis, and portfolio standing—regarding land owned by the State of Colorado.
US Department of Agriculture – Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) — Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO)
US Department of Commerce – NOAA – National Center for Environmental Prediction — A range of weather, climate and environmental services.
US Department of the Interior – Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Minerals — Includes a number of different services: geothermal, oil & gas, oil shale, mining claims, coal, and federal minerals.
US Department of the Interior – Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Hydro — Wild and Scenic Rivers System information.
US Department of the Interior – Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Lands — Areas of critical environmental concern, wilderness areas, national monuments, inventoried wilderness land characteristics, etc.
US Department of the Interior – Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Admin Boundaries — Administrative units and land boundaries.
US Department of the Interior – Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Recreation — Recreational areas.
US Department of the Interior – Fish and Wildlife Service Geospatial Services – Includes a variety of REST services and data downloads on critical habitats; threatened species; bird conservation; wetlands; system boundaries; ecoregions.
US Department of the Interior – Geological Survey (USGS) – Earthquake and Hazards — Earthquake and fault information.
US Department of the Interior – Geological Survey (USGS) — Topographic maps; land management boundaries; topographic mine symbols; state geologic map compilation.
US Department of the Interior – National Park Service (NPS) — National Register of Historic Places.
US Department of the Interior – Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) — Surface mining data.
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – Environmental Data Gateway (EDG) — Water and air quality with a wide variety of other nationwide datasets.
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – EPA Geospatial Applications; Office of Water Programs; Pathogens, Sediment, and Nutrients Impairments and TMDL; other water-related geospatial data (downloads).