MI-97 LiDAR-Based Map of the Cheraw Fault Scarp. Graphic credit: Colorado Geological Survey

GIS Data :: Web Maps

As an agency heavily involved with spatial and mapping information, the CGS is moving more and more to dynamic GIS data presentation for ease-of-use and for the many options that GIS tools allow. Almost all of our current projects and publications have substantial GIS components.

The mapping section has more detailed information about how the CGS generates and processes spatial information.

In 2020 the CGS adopted the USGS Geologic Map Schema Standard (GeMS) database design for STATEMAP-funded geologic maps. More information about this critical information resource and the standards it incorporates may be found on the USGS National Geologic Map Database (NGMDB) site.

CGS Disclaimer:

Colorado Geological Survey (CGS) is not responsible or liable to the user for damages of any kind arising out of the use of data or information provided by the CGS, including the installation of the data or information, its use, or the results obtained from its use.