
ON-004-01M STATEMAP Progression Map


This online map contains the most recent information on what geologic field mapping the CGS is undertaking within the USGS STATEMAP and EDMAP programs. It also includes information on all past mapping as well as quadrangles mapped by the USGS. Of Colorado’s approximately 1,800 7.5-minute quads, more than 500 have been mapped and there are usually around ten more that are in progress at any given time at different locations around the state. From start to finish—background research and preparations, field mapping, correlation with older data, compilation, external review, and final production—a typical map will take between two and three years to produce. The elapsed time will depend on the complexity of the geology, the difficulty of access, and the review process. As an online publication only, the CGS will routinely update this map with the current status of our STATEMAP projects. This is not a downloadable publication or dataset. ON-004-01M

(Note: “Add to cart” does not provide access to the map — use the direct link below.)

To the map: ON-004-01M STATEMAP Progression Map