B-42 Water Resources of Boulder County, Colorado

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Report which shows the occurrence, quality, and movement of groundwater and surface water, as well as the general geology of Boulder County. 19 figures. 23 tables. 1 plate. Digital PDF download. B-42D

From the report

Data on precipitation, streamflow, geology, water levels, well yields, aquifer characteristics, surface water quality, and groundwater quality were used to evaluate the water resources of Boulder County. Surface water samples were collected from 37 sites on 18 streams, and groundwater samples were collected from 698 wells and 56 springs. Excessive concentrations of selected major ions and trace elements, bacteria, or radiochemicals limit the use of water for a drinking-water supply; at least locally in most aquifers. Generally, the quality of water from aquifers in the mountains was more suitable for a drinking-water supply. Water from the Pierre-Niobrara-Benton aquifer, with the exception of the Hygiene Sandstone Member of the Pierre Shale, was the least suitable for use as a drinking-water supply. Groundwater data indicate that all of the areas have at least some localized water-quality problems and many of the areas appear to have more widespread water-quality problems.


Hall, Dennis C., Donald E. Hillier, Doug Cain, and Elaine L. Boyd. “Bulletin 42 - Water Resources of Boulder County, Colorado.” Water Resources. Bulletin. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1980. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.b42.hraz3513. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/water-resources-boulder/.
B-42 Water Resources of Boulder County
B-42 Water Resources of Boulder County

