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OF-15-10 Geology and Groundwater Resources of Douglas County, Colorado

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This report provides a regional overview with the general public in mind: it also contains detailed background that will benefit more technical users. This project was funded by a grant from the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) matched by the CGS through its Severance Tax and Colorado General Operational Funds. Digital PDF/GIS/ZIP download. OF-15-10D

An online map — ON-OF-15-10 Geology and Groundwater Resources of Douglas County, Colorado — is also available.

Included in the Zip file is the primary report with figures, accompanied by the individual plates (listed below). In addition, there are ArcGIS shape and layer files as both geodatabases and as a map package with ArcGIS 10.0 compatibility.

List of Individual Plates included in the Zip file:

1. Geologic Map
2. Cross-section A-A’
3. Precambrian Crystalline Bedrock Extent Map
4. Older Paleozoic Sedimentary Unit Extent Map
5. Older Paleozoic Sedimentary Unit Depth Map
6. Lyons-Fountain Aquifer Extent Map
7. Lyons-Fountain Aquifer Depth Map
8. Dakota Group Aquifer Extent Map
9. Dakota Group Aquifer Depth Map
10. Laramie-Fox Hills Aquifer Extent Map
11. Laramie-Fox Hills Aquifer Depth Map
12. D1 Lower Fan Extent Map
13. D1 Lower Fan Depth Map
14. D1 Middle Unit Extent Map
15. D1 Middle Unit Depth Map
16. D1 Upper Fan Extent Map
17. D1 Upper Fan Depth Map
18. Dawson Arkose Aquifer Extent Map
19. Dawson Arkose Aquifer Depth Map
20. Alluvial Aquifer and Bedrock Elevation Map

From the Introduction:

Douglas County has experienced considerable population growth in recent decades with development becoming increasingly reliant on local groundwater resources. A diverse geologic setting characterizes the County and groundwater can be found in many different geologic settings. This report compiles the most recent geologic mapping and interpretations focusing on groundwater occurrences in the various geologic formations found in the area. It is intended to provide a regional overview with the general public in mind, although it contains detailed background to be beneficial to more technical users.


Barkmann, P. E., F. Scot Fitzgerald, L. A. Sebol, W. Curtiss, J. Pike, Annette Moore, and B. Taylor. “OF-15-10 Geology and Groundwater Resources of Douglas County.” Geology and Groundwater. Open File Reports. Golden, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, 2015. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/geology-groundwater-resources-douglas-colorado.
OF-15-10 Geology and Groundwater Resources of Douglas County
OF-15-10 Geology and Groundwater Resources of Douglas County