
IS-70 Colorado Minerals and Mineral Fuel Activity Report 2004


Describes exploration, development and production activity of the gas and oil, coal, and mineral industries in the state of Colorado in 2004. The report also includes information on the economic impact of these industries across the state. 42 pages. 53 figures. 12 tables. Digital PDF download. IS-70D

The Colorado mineral and energy industries enjoyed another year of spectacular growth; not only did production increase dramatically for most commodities, but prices for most mineral and petroleum commodities have increased sharply.

The estimated total value of 2004 mineral and mineral fuel production in Colorado is $8.502 billion — a 27.7 percent increase from the revised 2003 total value of $6.655 billion. The total estimated value of oil, natural gas, and carbon dioxide production in 2004 was $6.751 billion, which is up 35 percent from the 2003 value of $5.250 billion. The value of coal production is estimated at $800 million — up 14 percent from the revised 2003 value of $702 million.

Non-fuel mineral production — including metals, industrial minerals, and construction materials — the USGS Mineral Information Office estimates the value of the 2004 non-fuel mineral production to be $949 million — a 35 percent increase from the 2003 value of $702 million. Price increases for both molybdenum and gold were a factor in the increase of non-fuel mineral value. Uranium production value in 2004 increased ten-fold from $0.2 million in 2003 to $2 million in 2004.