OF-06-10 Geologic Map of the Maysville Quadrangle, Chaffee County, Colorado Download Publication Details The purpose of this map is to describe the geologic setting of this 7.5-minute quadrangle. Field work for this project was conducted during the summer of 2005. Geologic maps produced by the CGS through the STATEMAP program are intended as multi-purpose maps useful for land-use planning, geotechnical engineering, geologic-hazards assessment, mineral-resource development, and ground-water exploration. Digital ZIP/PDF download. OF-06-10D From the Author’s Notes: The Maysville 7.5 minute quadrangle is located in Chaffee County in the mountainous region of central Colorado. It is characterized by dramatically contrasted physiography, including the southwestern-most part of the Upper Arkansas Valley in the eastern half, and the high southern Sawatch Range in the western half. The small community of Maysville is situated along U.S. Highway 50, which traverses east-west across the southern part of the quadrangle. Highway 50 is the main access across the southern Sawatch Range where it crosses the Continental Divide at Monarch Pass about eight miles west-southwest of Maysville. The closest city with amenities is Poncha Springs, located about six and half miles east-southeast of Maysville. The largest towns that service the southern Upper Arkansas Valley are Salida and Buena Vista, located 10 mi east and 21 mi north-northeast, respectively, of Maysville. U.S. Highway 285 is the other major road in the region and it runs north-south approximately 2.5 mi east of, and parallel to, the eastern quadrangle boundary. Citations Shannon, James R, and James P. McCalpin. “OF-06-10 Geologic Map of the Maysville Quadrangle, Chaffee County, Colorado.” Geologic. Open File Report. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 2006. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/geologic-map-maysville-quadrangle-chaffee-colorado.