OF-06-09 Geologic Map of the Fairplay East Quadrangle, Park County, Colorado Download Publication Details The purpose of this map is to describe the geologic setting and mineral resource potential of this 7.5-minute quadrangle. Field work for this project was conducted during the summer of 2005. Digital ZIP/PDF download. OF-06-09D From the Author’s Notes: The Fairplay East 7.5-minute quadrangle lies in the western part of South Park, a high altitude intermontane valley in central Colorado. The map area covers approximately 57 square miles in Park County and includes the eastern part of the town of Fairplay and portions of the floor of South Park east and south of Fairplay. U.S. Highway 285, Colorado Highway 9, and numerous county-maintained and unimproved public and private roads provide good access to most of the quadrangle. Topographically the quadrangle consists of gently southeastward-draining valleys separated by linear or slightly arcuate ridges that trend north or northwest. Reinecker Ridge lies along the eastern margin of the quadrangle, and Red Hill is in the central part of the quadrangle. Four named streams are shown on the base map: the Middle Fork of the South Platte River, Fourmile Creek, Trout Creek, and Crooked Creek, all of which are within the watershed of the South Platte River. Elevations range from a high of 10,558 feet above mean sea level on Reinecker Ridge to a low of about 9,170 feet where Trout Creek crosses the southern edge of the quadrangle. Most land in the quadrangle is privately owned; the remainder is either state land or federal land. The Colorado Division of Wildlife manages several sections of land in the east-central part of the quadrangle along the crest of Reinecker Ridge and east of it. The Colorado Board of Land Commissioners manages a few tracts scattered across other parts of the quadrangle. The largest tract of contiguous Federal lands borders the state lands on Reinecker Ridge; other smaller tracts of federal lands are along the southern, western, and northern margins of the quadrangle. All federal lands within the quadrangle are administered by the Bureau of Land Management. Citations Kirkham, Robert M., John W. Keller, Karen J. Houck, and Neil R. Lindsay. “OF-06-09 Geologic Map of the Fairplay East Quadrangle, Park County, Colorado.” Geologic. Open File Reports. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 2006. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/geologic-map-fairplay-east-quadrangle-park-colorado.