
ON-006-18D Alluvial Fan Mapping of Pitkin County, Colorado (Data) – v20240612


The CGS develops and provides a variety of geologic hazard maps for various state and local governments with land use and hazard mitigation planning in mind. Pitkin County officials expressed concern about their preparedness for post-wildfire natural hazards and asked the CGS to more completely define alluvial-fan areas at risk for debris flows especially after wildfire events. Using available LiDAR technologies, both known and previously unrecognized alluvial fans were compiled, mapped and defined. This map is part of a statewide effort to develop maps of alluvial fan areas in Colorado. Digital ZIP download. ON-006-18D – v20240612

IMPORTANT NOTE: This file contains all relevant GIS data as of June 12, 2024. When new data is incorporated, this data package will be updated with a new version number corresponding to the date of issue.