MS-04 Geologic Hazards Map, Dolores, Montezuma County, Colorado

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Shows areas in Dolores, Montezuma County, susceptible to a variety of geologic hazards, e.g., rockfalls, rockslides, landslides, and unstable slopes. 1 plate (1:24,000). Digital PDF Download. MS-04D

From the Explanation:

Geologic hazards in the Dolores area are natural geologic conditions that, if unrecognized or poorly planned for, can result in loss of life, damage to structures, and high maintenance costs, especially for homes, roads, and utilities. Several different kinds of potentially hazardous geologic conditions are shown on this map: 1) rockfall-rockslide areas (severe hazard); 2) rockfall “runout” areas (moderate hazard); 3) landslide areas (severe hazard); 4) unstable and potentially unstable slopes (moderate hazard).

This map should be used as a guide to location of areas where the indicated geologic condition may cause difficulties for particular land uses. It is not intended to supplant detailed field investigations of individual sites, but rather to signal places where the indicated geologic conditions can be expected to cause difficulties for particular land uses. If this map is used to designate geologic hazard areas as specified by H.B. 1041 (Rogers and others, 1974, p. 120-121), then it is suggested that this map serve as a basis for further investigation of individual sites. Detailed investigation and evaluation may serve as the basis for actual designs, or such studies might indicate that for economic or safety reasons the particular activity is not feasible. Land-use decisions in these areas should be based on technical reviews and planning evaluation of detailed studies and specific site plans.


Soule, James M. “MS-04 Geologic Hazards Map, Dolores, Montezuma County, Colorado.” Geologic Hazards. Map Series. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, September 1975.