OF-80-08 The Effects of Mineral Conservation Legislation on Colorado's Aggregate Industry

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Discussion of legal and planning issues in relation to aggregate quarry proposals. Reprinted from RS-08. 5 pages. 8 figures. Digital PDF download. OF-80-08D

The CGS reprinted this paper separately from its recently published Resource Series RS-08 Proceedings of the Fifteenth Forum on Geology of Industrial Minerals. Interest in this paper following its presentation at that forum in June 1979, and again in October at the annual meeting of the Colorado Sand and Gravel Producers Association has brought about this release mainly for local distribution.


Schwochow, Stephen D. “OF-80-08 The Effects of Mineral Conservation Legislation on Colorado’s Aggregate Industry.” Aggregate Resources. Open File Report. Denver. CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1980. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.of8008.huah1398. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/effects-mineral-conservation-legislation-aggregate-industry-colorado/.
OF-80-08 The Effects of Mineral Conservation Legislation on Colorado’s Aggregate Industry
OF-80-08 The Effects of Mineral Conservation Legislation on Colorado’s Aggregate Industry