IS-75 Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities 2006 Download Publication Details Describes exploration, development and production activity of the gas and oil, coal, and mineral industries of the state in 2006. The report also includes information on the economic impact of these industries on the state. 57 pages. 61 figures. 22 tables. Digital PDF download. IS-75D Colorado mineral and energy industries enjoyed another year of growth; not only did production increase for most commodities, but prices for most mineral and petroleum commodities, with the stark exception of natural gas and molybdenum, also increased. The estimated total value of 2006 mineral and mineral fuel production in Colorado is $11.609 billion — a five percent decrease from the revised 2005 total value of $12.174 billion. The total estimated value of oil, natural gas, and carbon dioxide production in 2006 is $8.873 billion, which is down seven percent from the 2005 value of $9.572 billion. The value of the 2006 Colorado coal production is estimated at $974 million — up 20 percent from the revised 2005 value of $813 million. Non-fuel mineral production — including metals, industrial minerals, and construction materials — the USGS Mineral Information Office estimates the value of the 2006 production to be $1,762 million — a two percent decline from the revised 2005 value of $1,789 million. Though molybdenum production increased, the average annual price declined from the record 2005 value of $31.73 per pound to $26.50 per pound. Gold production in the state declined slightly but the average annual price increased dramatically. Citations Cappa, James A., Genevieve Young, James R. Burnell, Christopher J. Carroll, and Beth Widmann. “IS-75 Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities, 2006.” Mineral and Energy Industry. Information Series. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 2007. CGS Publications.