OF-86-07 Candidate Area Evaluation Report: Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal, Colorado Download Publication Details Procedure and results of a state-wide search for areas that appear to be suitable for disposal and long term containment of low-level radioactive wastes. 102 pages. 31 figures. 6 tables. Digital PDF download. OF-86-07D This report describes the procedure and results of a regional search for areas that appear to be suitable for the disposal and long-term containment of low-level radioactive wastes. This search identified six (6) candidate areas within Colorado: Central Plains, Central Foothills, Southern Foothills, Grand Valley, Lower Gunnison, and Grand Hogback. Each of these areas contains several potential sites that may be suitable for waste disposal operations. A single potential site, herein termed the representative site, was selected from each of the candidate areas. A comprehensive process was used to identify and select the candidate areas and representative sites. This process was based upon a detailed technical analysis of geologic, geohydrologic, and geotechnical parameters related to waste disposal. Primary emphasis was given to defining natural mechanisms that would promote the long-term isolation of the wastes from man and the environment. This included the identification of areas containing thick, relatively impermeable shale that are geomorphicaly stable and contain little, if any, useable ground water. Citations Eakins, Wynn, Walter R. Junge, and Jeffrey L. Hynes. “OF-86-07 Candidate Area Evaluation Report Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Colorado.” Waste Disposal. Open File Report. Denver. CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1986. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.of8607.fxlg8561. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/candidate-area-evaluation-low-level-radioactive-waste-disposal-colorado/.