B-06 Common Minerals and Rocks: Their Occurrence and Uses (1913)

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Common Minerals and Rocks: Their Occurrence and Uses, 1913. 406 pages. Digital PDF download. B-06D

From the Preface:

The main purpose of this bulletin is to describe the commoner minerals and rocks, and furnish the means of recognizing them and knowing their uses. Many valuable geological materials lie unused for want of knowledge of what they are and how they may be used. It is hoped that it will stimulate an interest in, and a search for, valuable geological products.

In preparing this handbook of minerals and rocks the writer has endeavored to present in usable form the important facts regarding the materials of geology. Emphasis has been given to the important minerals and rocks. As a rule, unimportant species have been described only where their intimate relationship to the more important types has made it necessary, or where the possibilities of economic uses have made it desirable.

It is impossible to acknowledge the many sources from which material has been drawn. In the description of mineral’s, Dana’s System of Mineralogy has been used very freely. The publications of the United States Geological Survey have furnished much material bearing on the uses of minerals. The works of Iddings, Harker, and Kemp have also been much used.

Bulletin B-06 has been superseded by B-12 B-12 Common Minerals and Rocks: Their Occurrence and Uses, which has the same sections treated in greater detail.


George, R. D. “Bulletin 06 - Common Minerals and Rocks, Their Occurrence and Uses.” Mineral Resources. Bulletin. Boulder, CO: Colorado State Geological Survey, 1913. Https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.b06.btiv3956. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/common-minerals-rocks-occurrence-uses-1913/.
B-06 Common Minerals and Rocks: Their Occurrence and Uses
B-06 Common Minerals and Rocks: Their Occurrence and Uses